Just as he's about to leave, Fukuda has suddenly become very popular. In the press conference in which he announced his resignation, Fukuda's competence was called into question by a reporter. The usually discrete and calm Fukuda got pissed off, telling him, "You say I sounded detached, but I am able to view myself objectively. I am different from you."
This out-of-character heckle-putdown, "あなたとは違うんです" ("I am different from you"), has been taken up as a new catchphrase by the members of 2chan. Do a search on threads containing the phrase and you'll see a fairly impressive volume of posts. The ascii artists on there haven't been slouching either, and pictures of Fukuda looking badass have been circulating. These ascii pictures were put onto t-shirts within 2 days of appearing on 2chan, and the merchandising has expanded to a vast array of confectionary as well as mugs, hoodies and baseball caps.
All this within a week of Fukuda announcing his resignation. God bless Japan.
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